A2B2 Marine Research Department


A2B2 Marine Research Department

SAN FRANCISCO, May 17, 2023 – In a surprising new development, the influential online alternative art community, a2b2, has embarked on an audacious project: to communicate with dolphins and understand their "vibes."

The initiative, dubbed the "Dolphin Vibes Project," marks an unprecedented fusion of technology, art, and marine biology, demonstrating the boundary-pushing ethos that a2b2 is renowned for. The project aims to crack the code of dolphin communication, enabling humans to ask dolphins about their emotions, experiences, or as a2b2 uniquely puts it, their "vibes."

a2b2, famed for its avant-garde art and tech projects, is collaborating with leading marine biologists and language processing experts to develop an AI-based communication tool capable of interpreting dolphin sounds and behaviors.

The visionary behind a2b2, musician and artist Andy Morin, commented on the initiative, "We're always seeking new ways to explore the intersection of art, technology, and now, nature. Dolphins are fascinating creatures with complex communication structures. If we can get a glimpse into their world, imagine what we could learn about them and, in turn, ourselves."

The Dolphin Vibes Project will involve extensive research, including recording and analyzing dolphins' vocalizations and behaviors. The ambitious endeavor has already begun to attract the attention of artists, scientists, and environmentalists worldwide, all intrigued by the potential breakthroughs in understanding interspecies communication.

While the Dolphin Vibes Project may be seen as a bold leap into the unknown, a2b2's community has shown nothing but enthusiastic support for the initiative. The project embodies the collective's unconventional approach to art and technology, breaking barriers and redefining what's possible. 

As the project unfolds, the world watches with bated breath, eager to hear the first human-dolphin conversation, an artistic endeavor that could reshape our understanding of marine life and our relationship with the natural world.